
DCA's 65th Annual Convention

Request for 2026 Convention Sponsorships will begin in October 2025.

Monday, February 23 – Saturday, February 28, 2026
Trump National Doral, Miami, Florida

Sponsorship Information: The Convention Sponsorship Levels for DCA are:

  • Platinum: $25,000 and up
  • Gold: $10,000 to $24,999
  • Silver: $5,000 to $9,999
  • Bronze: $1,000 to $4,999


The value of the sponsorship level is determined by several factors:

  • Cash donation in the current year.
  • Cash received for the sale of the donated auction item from the prior convention.
  • Cash received from the purchase of items at the auction the prior year.


Sponsorship levels are for individual companies only. Companies and their dealers/distributors can combine to sponsor an event.

Sponsorship Levels and Benefits:

Platinum Level Sponsorship Costs $25,000 & up and has the following benefits:
  • Company logo recognition as a Platinum Name Sponsor at the event
  • Logo placement on special signage at the event
  • One half page ad or 2 quarter page ads in the DCA News
  • 6 months of banner ads on the DCA website
  • Platinum Sponsorship recognition on pre-conference collateral materials
  • Special dinner opportunity with DCA Board Member at the convention
  • Individual recognition with special lapel pin and level identification on the name badge
 Gold level sponsorship costs $10,000 to $24,999 and offers the following benefits:
  • Company logo recognition as a Gold Sponsor at the event
  • Logo placement on special signage at the event
  • Gold Sponsorship recognition on pre-conference collateral materials
  • One quarter page ad in the DCA News


  • 6 months of banner ads on the DCA website


  • Individual recognition with special lapel pin and level identification on the name badge
 Silver level sponsorship costs $5,000 to $9,999 and offers the following benefits:
  • Company name recognition as a Silver Sponsor at the event
  • Company name placement on DCA website and in special signage at the event
  • Silver Sponsorship recognition on pre-convention collateral materials


  • Individual recognition with special lapel pin and level identification on the name badge
 Bronze level sponsorship costs $1,000 to $4,999 and offers the following benefits:
  • Company name recognition as a Bronze Sponsor at the event
  • Company name placement in signage at the event
  • Bronze Sponsorship recognition on pre-convention collateral materials
  • Individual recognition with special lapel pin and level identification on the name badge

If you have any questions, please contact Jacob Mireles, jadams@dcaweb.org, 972-200-2707.