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Government Relations

Mission/Charter Statement:
The mission of the DCA’s Government Relations Committee is to target specific regulatory and legislative items and report their findings through the Legislative Watch section of the DCA News and DCA website. The Committee presents those issues to the board we believe our members would benefit from through advocacy for or against.
Committee Leadership:
First and Last Name | Company Name | |
Co-Chair: | Ed Fitzgerald | Hallen Construction Company |
Co-Chair: | Matthew Patterson | Sharewell HDD |
Secretary: | Ken Hugen | RDO Equipment Co. |
Committee Team:
Dennis Kuhn | Astar | Associate |
Randy Rupp | Ditch Witch | Associate |
Geoff Isbell | Energy Worldnet, Inc. | Associate |
Jonathan Tippetts | ISCO Industries | Associate |
Vince King | McElroy | Associate |
Jason Blubaugh | Miller/Hobart (ITW Welding) | Associate |
Kenneth Hugen | RDO EQUIPMENT | Associate |
Matthew Patterson | Sharewell HDD | Associate |
Eric Van Dusseldorp | Vermeer Corporation | Associate |
Dustin Kraft | Vermeer Corporation | Associate |
Michael Smith | AGI Construction | Contractor |
Eli Pagel | B&H Construction LLC | Contractor |
Kevin Parker | InfraSource | Contractor |
Luke Litteken | Mears Group, Inc. | Contractor |
Pete Fojtik | MP Technologies | Contractor |
Thomas Jones | Primoris | Contractor |
Edward Fitzgerald | The Hallen Construction Company | Contractor |
Savannah Robin | Vector | Contractor |
2024 Top Achievements:
- Conducted four regional fly-ins that resulted in some 30 visits with Senate offices, including all Senate offices with jurisdiction over pipeline safety legislation. This a significant increase from 2023 where DCA held one fly-in event.
- Led the construction industry in lobbying for legislation to reauthorize the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), and the nation’s natural gas and oil pipeline system. While a final bill was not enacted, DCA and industry allies secured language that would help increase use of geographic information systems (GIS), improve criteria related to securing federal damage prevention grant dollars, and increase criminal penalties for physical attacks on natural gas pipeline infrastructure. This language is expected to be included in legislation early next year.
- Doubled the number of industry supporters of pipeline safety legislation and DCA’s positions within that legislation. The coalition consists of organizations representing construction contractors, engineers, equipment manufacturers and other service providers, labor unions, GIS developers, and others.
- Expanded participation in the Pipeline Safety Management Systems (SMS) Industry Team, which promotes commitment and implementation of SMS approaches among pipeline stakeholders. In 2024, DCA was nominated and approved to serve as Vice-Chair of the Pipeline SMS Industry Team. In 2025, DCA will chair the Industry Team.
- Worked as a member of the Gas Bans Coalition Continue to enact “fuel choice” legislation in several states and defeated harmful legislation at the state level that would restrict access to natural gas through banning natural gas and/or mandatory electrification.
- Worked as a member of the Energy Access Group (EAG), a coalition of organizations involved in natural gas energy development and transportation working on a range of pro-energy initiatives with a focus on natural gas and related infrastructure.
- Significantly expanded contractor presence in the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) Damage Prevention Institute (DPI), where contractors represent the largest stakeholder group. DPI works to measure performance and improve damage prevention programs through performance measuring key damage prevention stakeholders including contractors, operators, and locators. In 2024, Several DCA members participated in DPI’s peer review process.
- Participated in the Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC) and the Coalition for Workplace Safety (CWS) to block legislation that would present overreaching new regulations from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), including an overreaching proposal to address heat exposure in workplace.
- Participated as part of the Family Business Coalition in lobbying efforts to repeal the federal estate tax.
- Promoted the messages included in the 811 Emergency report on damage prevention by reengaging with the Infrastructure Protection Coalition to develop strategies to influence damage prevention legislation in a select group of states in 2024.
2025 Top Goals:
- Expand advocacy efforts of DCA’s Regional Advocacy Teams and conduct several more targeted Washington “Fly-In” events in 2025.
- Evaluate changes to House and Senate committees of interest when the 119th Congress convenes, and identify key areas of the country where DCA carries significant political influence.
- Lead the construction industry in advocacy efforts related to the PIPES Act of 2023, which failed to pass in the 118th Congress. Priorities will remain (increased use of GIS, criminal penalties for pipeline sabotage, opposition to new environmental mandates, etc.)
- Expand industry coalition in the 119th Congress to broaden support for pipeline safety reauthorization legislation that supports production, transportation, access and use of natural gas and other fossil fuels to promote a comprehensive approach to America’s energy future.
- Confirm positions on tax issues to be addressed early in the 119th Congress, identify and align the association with a range of industry coalitions addressing tax reform.
- Expand contractor influence in the Pipeline Safety Management Systems (SMS) Industry Team, which is now chaired by DCA. Increase participation in surveys, webinars, industry presentations, and other venues.
- Continue to work with the Gas Bans Coalition to enact “fuel choice” legislation and defeat harmful legislation at the state level that would restrict access to natural gas through banning natural gas and/or mandatory electrification.
- Enact legislation that will promote pipeline infrastructure while deploying carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) and hydrogen efforts as funding.
- Expand DCA participation in the 2025 “Celebration of Construction” event on the National Mall, hosted by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers. DCA has been invited to participate again in this high-profile industry event on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
- Expand DCA participation in the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) Damage Prevention Institute, which applies effective metrics applicable to all stakeholders and measures performance of all key stakeholders in the damage prevention process.
- Block any legislative or regulatory attempts to obstruct or impede horizontal directional drilling practices used in utility construction.

Charge: Target specific regulatory and legislative items and report their findings through the Legislative watch section of the DCA News and DCA Web page. Present to the board those issues we believe our members would benefit by advocating for or against.
Composition: The Co-chairs of each committee are appointed by the President at the Mid Year Meeting. The position of co-chairmen alternate every two years between contractor members and associate members. Members of the committee are self selecting, though the President can appoint members to the committee.