DCA Government Relations focuses on specific regulatory and legislative items, reporting their findings through the legislative watch section of the DCA News and DCA Web page. We present issues to the board that we believe our members should advocate for or against, aiming to educate and inform DCA members about ongoing activities and actions required at national and state levels.
DCA Government Relations
DCA Government Relations targets specific regulatory and legislative items along with reporting their findings through the legislative watch section of the DCA News and DCA Web page. We are charged with presenting to the board those issues we believe our members would benefit by advocating for or against. The goal of this site is two-fold:
- Educate and inform DCA members on what is going on and why DCA is doing certain things
- What do we want the members to do on the national and state levels.
OSHA Demo Day Hosted By AEM
DCA was proud to participate in a multi-industry event that showcased underground construction safety equipment and practices for some representatives of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The event, referred to by industry reps as “OSHA Demo Day,” was hosted by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), and representatives of several national construction associations.
Muster Program
What Muster Does for DCA Members
Muster – our new grassroots campaign platform – will allow DCA to mobilize its membership for grassroots messaging campaigns, conduct geotargeted member surveys, and easily communicate with DCA members on state and national issues. Our new convenient platform gives you a direct line to your Members of Congress and the Administration, and makes it easy to join other DCA members in making your voice heard about the issues that matter to you and your business.
Muster messages will consist of email broadcasts and targeted online messaging campaigns which allow you to send letters to your state and federal lawmakers with only a few clicks, helping you to contact your representatives on issues that matter while only taking a few minutes out of your busy day. At a time when much of Washington is still virtual, your participation in our grassroots campaigns will be more effective than ever in pushing for positive change on DCA issues.
What We Need from DCA Members
- Your contact information – name, email address, mailing address (for geotargeting purposes), and phone number
- DCA has provided us with an initial database, and will be using an OPT-OUT system –
- Please contact DCA as soon as possible if you do not wish to be contacted with grassroots communications
Resource Library
Content on how DCA is involved in government relations.
Government relations is a complex, interwoven series of connections that broadly influence all areas of governance as it relates to public policy, programs and a government’s budgetary priorities.
Pipeline Construction Safety Management Systems
Position Paper – DCA Critical Infrastructure
DCA position on importance of natural gas and pipeline infrastructure to facilitate efforts toward CCUS and Hydrogen
2021 Blueprint CCC
Blueprint for future carbon capture by Carbon Capture Coalition
OSHA ETS Summary of Vaccine Mandate
Summary of Emergency Temporary Standard re: vaccination mandate on private employers
Contractor SMS Template
Contractor template regarding contractor approaches to contractor safety management systems (SMS)
Support Omnibus DCA
DCA supports pipeline safety reauthorization language in year-end omnibus legislation
CISA Guidance on Essential Critical Workers
Federal guidance on essential workforce – Covid-19
Comments to NYDPS White Paper on OQ
DCA comments to NY Department of Public Safety on a range of issues related to operator qualification issues
Pipeline Safety Reauth 2019 House EC
DCA to House E&C Committee on pipeline safety reauthorization
Pipeline Safety Reauth 2019 House TI
DCA to House T&I Committee on pipeline safety reauthorization
Pipeline Safety Reauth 2019 Senate Commerce
DCA to Senate Commerce Committee on pipeline safety reauthorization
Comments to FMCSA ANPRM on HOS
DCA Comments on DOT/FMCSA Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Hours of Service regulations subject to commercial drivers
Construction Driver Coalition Comments
Industry coalition comments to Hours of Service ANPRM
DCA Comments on FERC Draft Guidance
Comments to draft guidance on HDD operations issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FERC Notice of Draft Guidance
Draft Guidance on horizontal directional drilling provided by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
2017 Winter DPP
Article on DCA’s position on PHMSA study on damage prevention technologies
UC Jan 17
Article expressing concerns by several associations regarding the Gold Shovel Standard
DPP 2015 Fall
Article addressing problems with municipal exemptions in the damage prevention process
Final Comments on NPRM OQ
DCA comments to PHMSA proposed rule on operator qualification “program effectiveness”
FERC Notice of Draft Guidance
Draft Guidance on horizontal directional drilling provided by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
ASCE Cross Bore Study
Report from the American Society of Civil Engineers on cross bores, authored by Dr. Sam Ariaratnam of Arizona State University
Damage Prevention Professional Article
DCA article explaining new position paper on cross bore mitigation
Comments on OSHA Silica NPRM
DCA comments to OSHA’s proposed rule on silica exposure in the workplace
Final DCA Statement to House E&C Committee on HR 1900
Testimony of DCA witness at House E&C hearing on pipeline permitting reform legislation
Position Paper on Keystone Pipeline
DCA position paper in support of Keystone XL
Press Release on House E&C Hearing
DCA release regarding appearance before House E&C Committee hearing on pipeline permitting reform
Solutions Not Bailouts
Study on multiemployer pension plans prepared by the National Coordinating Committee for Multiemployer Plans
Underground Construction Article on Cross Bores
Article prepared by the Cross Bore Safety Association
DCA Comments on PHMSA Damage Prevention Enforcement
Comments to PHMSA regulation on state damage prevention enforcement programs
Stay on top of what is happening in DC. Here you will find the correspondence from DCA.
Energy Equipment and Infrastructure Alliance letter on project permit reform
DCA letter on Senate pipeline safety bill
Coalition for Workplace Safety letter re: OSHA “Walkaround Rule” and CRA
Industry letter re: Senate pipeline safety bill
Industry support for House E&C pipeline safety bill (and GIS)
Construction Industry Safety Coalition to OIRA re: heat exposure rule
DCA position paper on GIS mapping
Coalition letter re: FMCSA speed limiter mandate
Family Business Coalition letter: re: death tax repeal
Coalition letter re: passthrough deduction
Coalition letter re: approps for energy R&D
Construction Industry Safety Coalition letter re: OSHA heat standard
Coalition for Workplace Safety letter re: OSHA walkaround rule
DCA letter re: legislative/reg agenda to House E&C
DCA letter re: legislative/reg agenda to House T&I
DCA comments re: PHMSA rule on gas distribution
DCA letter on PIPES Act of 2023
Construction letter re: PIPES Act and GIS (to T&I)
CISC Letter to Fredrick
Construction Industry Safety Coalition letter to OSHA re: Covid-19 mandates
FINAL Stepped Up Basis
Family Business Coalition letter on tax policy re: “stepped up” basis
FBETC Letter to WM
Letter from Family Business Estate Tax Coalition to House Ways & Means Committee
Biden Transition Team DCA
Letter to Biden transition Team on DCA agenda
Joint Letter in Support of FERC Confirmation
Industry letter in support of confirming nominee for FERC commissioner
Essential Work Response to Coronavirus
DCA letter to CISA re: Essential Workers
Pipeline Safety Reauth 2019 House TI
DCA to House T&I Committee on pipeline safety reauthorization
Pipeline Safety Reauth 2019 Senate Commerce
DCA to Senate Commerce Committee on pipeline safety reauthorization
FBC Tax Reform Repeal
Coalition letter in support of federal estate tax (“death tax”) repeal in comprehensive tax reform legislation
AED Construction Workforce Letter
Industry letter encouraging reauthorizing the Perkins Act, which provides funding for career and technical education programs
Letter of Support for 2016 Pipeline Safety Act
Letter to House E&C Committee encouraging language in pipeline safety reauthorization legislation that would require full participation in the damage prevention process
Letter of Support for PIPES Act
Letter to House T&I Committee encouraging language in pipeline safety reauthorization legislation that would require full participation in the damage prevention process
Support Keystone S1
Support letter for the Keystone XL Pipeline
Support Pipeline Permitting
Letter in support for pipeline permitting reform in Senate energy legislation
Support National Energy Security Corridors
Letter supporting policy streamlining approval of natural gas pipelines crossing lands overseen by the National Park Service
EC Cross Border HR 3301
Letter to House Energy and Commerce Committee in support of legislation addressing permit reform for pipelines that cross the U.S. border
Keystone SEIS Response
DCA letter regarding the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement related to the Keystone XL Pipeline
Support Nat Gas Exports
Letter to House E&C Committee in support of natural gas exports
Support for House GOP Energy Package
Letter to Rep. Lee Terry in support of legislation that included several DCA energy priorities
Construction Keystone DOS Letter
Industry letter to US Department of State in support of the Keystone XL Pipeline
Letter of Support for HR 1900
Letter to House Energy and Commerce Committee in support of pipeline permitting reform
DCA Supports HR 8
Letter to House Speaker in support of pipeline permitting reform
Reed PAB Letter of Support
Letter to Rep. Tom Reed supporting private activity bonds used for water infrastructure improvements
Damage Prevention Stakeholder Letter
Multi-industry white paper describing responsibilities of all stakeholders in the damage prevention process
DCA Letter of Support for PABs in Hurricane Recovery Bill
Letter expressing relief through bonds in the wake of Hurricane Sandy
Committee News